With this kit - you assign assembly of the ancillary materials to us!
We will "pre-assemble" and ship the kit components to you so that you might focus on sewing, and when the kit arrives simply apply your fabric to the tuffet - Voila! A completed tuffet!
Assembled Kit and components include:
- One 6” piece of furniture grade foam pre-cut to an 18” diameter, beveled on the top outside edge and center marked for the button location.
- A 17″ diameter furniture grade plywood base with holes for button tufting.
- T-nuts are installed on the base and ready for your bun feet.
- The furniture grade foam is attached to the base.
- Upholstery grade fiber (batting) is installed and stapled on the tuffet form.
- Four finished bun feet with hanger bolts installed and ready for your finished Tuffet.
- One 2 1/2” button form.
- Four 18″ pieces of furniture cord for use when attaching the button to the finished Tuffet form. This will not break!
- Two yards of tufting cord for use when gathering the fabric bottom. This will not break!
Only high-quality, furniture-grade components are used in Tuffet Source™ kits. You can expect your tuffet from Tuffet Source & More to keep its shape just like a quality furniture product.
Fabric Requirements (not included: may vary with the design and pattern you choose):
- Fabric: 44” or 60” wide
- Bottom: 18” square
- Button: 6” square fabric
- Batting: 6″ square
- Ruffle: (if desired): 4” x 24”
- Lining: (muslin not included): 1 yard
Note: A 12” upholstery needle is required for button tufting (not included in kit, please see our Notions page if you need one).